Take the Adventace® Assessment Test™

What is the current performance level of your sales operation?  Download the Adventace Assessment Test™ and see.

Our assessment test will help you identify a number of key functional areas and determine your operational readiness level.  The levels were identified in a compelling research report entitled, “Understanding What Your Sales Manager Is Up Against”, by Barry Trailer and Jim Dickie, published by the Harvard Business Review. In this report, the authors provided critical insight into the benefits achieved when Sales Executives manage their sales operation top-down using a sales and sales management methodology supported by CRM. Based on input from 1275 executives, the researchers divided companies into four categories depending on their level of process utilization.  

They found that Level 1 through Level 3 organizations were the norm, and were significantly outperformed by their Level 4 competitors.  When they compared Level 1 – Level 4 sales organizations against six metrics here is what they found: 


% Performance Improvement

 Accurately Target Prospects 75% 
Properly Qualify Leads 110%
Effectively Present Features & Benefits 61% 
Effectively Cross Sell & Up Sell 185% 
Sell Value; Avoid Excessive Discounting 143% 
Effectively Introduce New Products 103% 

What is the current level of your sales operation?  Download the Adventace® Assessment Test™ and see.

Take the test and see where your sales operation is.  

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