About Us

Our Story

We founded Adventace® in 2001 with the objective of helping our clients Create the High Performance Sales Environment®. We accomplished this with Adventace Methods™, our comprehensive sales and sales management methodology.  This was a world’s first!

We didn’t stop there.  Next came the Adventace Sales Management System™, the only fully deployed sales and sales management methodology on the Salesforce ( or any) platform.

Regardless of the methodology you may use, the Adventace Sales Management System™ will help you increase sales while reducing the cost of sales.

  • Performance Improvements
  • Pipeline Increases
  • Increased Close Rate
  • Quota Achievement
  • Average Contract Value
Bob Junke

Bob Junke


“We created SMS to solve a serious problem,” said CEO Bob Junke.  “Client CXO’s complained that Salesforce simply gave them bad information faster, and thus significantly impacted anticipated ROI.  So we knew we had to do something about that and started building an app using Adventace Methods as the framework.  Today it is methodology independent.”