Field Adoption

A Globally-Proven Change Management Process

“Inspect What You Expect”

You will Create a Proactive, Metric-Based, Results-Oriented Sales Culture

The Problem

“When we reached the end of the quarter my sales people reverted back to Neanderthal selling.”

“Our last investment in sales training was a failure.  We need to do it again but how can I make this one a success?”

“My managers and VP expect us to change our ways of selling, but they haven’t changed at all and we need better support.” 


Many executives have personally witnessed failed attempts at improving the performance of a sales operation. Organizational change is difficult.  The most common reason is the failure to address critical change management issues in a post-training environment.  Change for most people is quite difficult, whether it is at the personal or organizational level.  People have to confront bad habits, adapt to better procedures in the field, and even dramatically change the ways they deal with buyers.

The Solution

Change Management is a structured approach to help individuals, teams, and the organization transition from their current state to their desired future state:  A High Performance Sales Environment®.

Our globally proven Field Adoption process is Change Management that works.  It is:


“So the primary group Executives need to focus on to improve our organization is Sales Managers, because they are the lynchpins who will make sure that Seller performance improves long-term.

David Goulden

COO, Getronics

Adventace helped me and my management team apply the training to real-world opportunities, pipelines, and salespeople.  This was invaluable in helping us take ownership, which resulted in immediate performance improvement.

Adventace was the aspirin to a bad headache.

  • Entire organization doubled revenue in 1 year
  • Won major deals that had been stagnant for over a year
  • Inside Sales revenues doubled in < 1 year
  • No staff outside of Sales Management team necessary
  • Had previously invested in 5 other methods
Robert Corcoran

Vice President of Sales, IT Services

“I finally know how to effectively coach my sales people.  I feel empowered to help develop their skills, balance their pipelines, and better manage and qualify their opportunities.”

“Thanks to your Opportunity Assessment we won two major deals in under six weeks that had been stalled for over 12 months.  The keys were actually negotiating for access to power and putting the appropriate Action Plans together.”

“I had been ‘winging it’ my entire career as a sales manager.  But following this system has resulted in my VP telling me that I am ten times more effective.” 


Increase in Product Sales


Improvement in Performance Metrics


Increase in Pipelines


Increase in Contract Values