Our Story Told Through the Awards We've Won (so far!)

Version 1 of SMS was created initially as a private app for and at the behest of TransUnion. At that time the capabilities of the Salesforce AppExchange were rudimentary.  But over time the platform afforded us with significant capabilities and a strong ecosystem of developers, which in turn enabled us to build the sophisticated capabilities we desired as a part of SMS.   The result in Q4 of 2015 was SMS Version 2.  We added predictive metrics, a sophisticated knowledge library capability for sale people, and skill development systems. (Note though that we were far from finished!)

As a result, in October of 2015 CIOReview awarded us as a Top 20 Most Promising Salesforce Solution Provider 2015.

You can read more about this at CIOReview Article.

In 2016 we continued to add key functions.  Through integration of Conga Composer we gave sales people the ability to generate custom professional buyer deliverables that enable them to better define, manage, and control their opportunities, while differentiating them from their competitors.  Thanks to GoJS, a JavaScript library enabling users to easily create interactive diagrams in web browsers, we provided sales people with the ability to create Impact Trees™, a key buyer-facing deliverable to help sellers control and win B2B buying committee sales.  Finally we provided Advanced Multi-Currency support.  This functionality allows, for example, a sales person in London with opportunities across Europe to have them all translated to UK Pounds, and his or her manager in Paris to have all of their sellers’ opportunities translated to Euros, and then his or her manager in New York to have opportunities from across the globe translated into USD.  This means that whether analyzing pipelines, looking at the forecast, or analyzing predictive metrics, the numbers are in the currency desired by the seller, manager, or executive.

In recognition, in August CIO Story awarded us as 50 Most Powerful Salesforce Technology Providers 2016.

You can read more at CIO Story Article.

Version 2 beta testing commenced in 2016 with Newforma, who reaped significant rewards from their use of SMS.  This development and testing was extended into 2017 so that we could add additional key functions to SMS.  As mentioned above, those functions included:

  • The integration of Conga Composer to provide sales people with the ability to easily generate beautiful, professional emails to better define, manage, and control opportunities while differentiating themselves from the competition,
  • The integration of GoJS, which enabled sales people to generate professional Impact Trees™, which are buyer-facing deliverables to help them win complex B2B buying committee sales, and
  • Added Advanced Multi-Currency support, which is necessary for clients whose opportunities may be in any number of currencies.

As a result, we were pleased to have been chosen as a finalist for CIO Applications prestigious Top 25 Salesforce Solution Providers 2017.

In 2017 we were nominated for The Future Now Awards, which celebrates the world’s most innovative companies using Salesforce. As Bluewolf, an IBM Company, stated, “The Future Now Awards puts you among the creative leaders who go above and beyond customers’ expectations. The Future Now Awards is the ultimate achievement in customer and employee engagement. It truly is the award to win within the Salesforce ecosystem.”

Thank you, Bluewolf, for nominating us for this award.

CIOReview is a leading Enterprise Technology magazine with 77,000 subscribers in the U.S. alone.   CIOReview’s Evaluation Panel nominated SMS as one of the “20 Most Promising Sales Management Solution Providers 2018”, for companies who provide superior solutions that help businesses to consistently attain and surpass their sales targets.

SMS was selected because “As technology trends continue to have an impact, and new trends emerge, sales forces constantly and creatively adopt new technologies to improve sales processes and better serve customers. The convergence of mobile, analytics, content-rich systems, and the cloud, together with an explosion of information, is transforming sales and enabling buyers and salespeople to engage with each other in more effective and efficient ways.”

The research and editorial teams of Mirror Review Magazine have nominated Adventace as one of  “The 10 Best Salesforce Solution Providers of 2018”.

The 10 Best Salesforce Solution Providers of 2018” and our research and editorial teams have shortlisted Adventace as one of the best Salesforce solution providers.

Adventace was selected based on “the cutting edge technology solutions it offers, reliable customer support it provides, and client testimonials praising the company’s services.”

In their second annual edition of the Top 10 Sales Technology Solution Providers 2018,  CIO Applications said, “Adventace has been shortlisted to be featured in our prestigious ranking as one of the top sales technology solution provider in the country.

They went on to say, “As a neutral source for technology decision makers to fulfill their business IT solution needs, our efforts are channeled toward connecting upcoming enterprise IT vendors with the CIOs so as to engage and showcase their innovative solutions for the enterprises.”

We appreciate this recognition!

Adventace SMS has been nominated as one of the Top 20 Sales Technology Solution Providers 2019 by CIO Review.  They said, “Like any other arena, the Sales Technology landscape is flooded with myriad solutions and thus zeroing in on the apt ones remains an uphill task. To tread on the right path, CIOReview serves to be the magazine of record in the Sales Tech landscape. Our distinguished selection panel, comprising Sales Heads, CIOs, CEOs, VCs, industry analysts and the editorial board of CIOReview has narrowed the final 20 providers that exhibit competence in providing Sales Tech solutions. 

This award recognizes companies who have stood out among the Sales Tech solution providers. The 20 honorees are the next generation of excellence and their solutions create a significant impact on the Sales Tech domain.

Beyond! is a magazine dedicated to “highlighting people who make a difference in shaping our world and inspiring a revolutionary ripple.”  We were nominated for this award for “fulfilling the need for cost-effective and flexible solutions that add value to the complex Salesforce landscape.” 

Industry Era is a leading technology magazine featuring enterprise solutions that can play a key part in redefining the business goals of organizations.  According to Industry Era, Adventace was selected to “highlight the experience and innovative ideas of the CEO and company.”

Adventace SMS has been nominated as one of the Top 10 Sales Technology Consulting/Service Companies of 2019 by CIO Review.  They said, “Our distinguished selection panel, comprising Sales Heads, CIOs, CEOs, VCs, industry analysts and the editorial board of CIOReview has narrowed the final 10 companies that exhibit competence in providing Sales Tech consulting/services.”