Our Award Winning Application

Where Methodology Meets Automation®


Fulfilling the Promise of CRM

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Testimonials from Sales Executives

We implemented Adventace Sales Management System™ because native Salesforce only provides a look through the rear view mirror; it does not provide me a way to tell the effectiveness of my sales team. Salesforce tells me what closed and what’s in flight, not whether we’re doing the right things at the right time, making it difficult to draw appropriate conclusions. SMS takes subjectivity out of pipeline management, forecasting, and sales management more generally.

It has changed the face of my communications with my regional VP’s because we are better able to proactively identify and deal with sales (management) challenges using metrics rather than opinion to guide our thinking.

We have seen significant global improvement in the metrics that deal with prospecting, our ability to call high, and pipeline balance, which in turn has helped our top and bottom lines.

Finally, the Adventace team has been super responsive.

Alan Facey

Chief Customer Officer, Newforma

The Adventace Sales Management System™ app has been instrumental in helping me better run my sales operation. In particular, the accurate view I get on key performance metrics and pipelines helps me identify potential problems early and then work with my sales managers to get them fixed before they have a significant impact.

As an example, the use of the A/B Ratio performance metric has helped us identify sales people who are calling too low in an account so that we can coach them on prospecting at a higher level or work with them to improve their ability to negotiate for access to power.

Also, by using the Pipeline Balance Algorithm, we identify not only sales people with imbalances, but specifically what those imbalances are and then work with our sellers to quickly fix them.

This app has been an important factor in helping us achieve our objectives, both financial and otherwise.

Allen Patrick

Vice President of North America Sales, Newforma


“This is the Ultimate Sales Enablement Tool”

“Extraordinary Capabilities”

Predictive Metrics

  • SMS provides a complete set of metrics that predict future organizational performance
  • Management has the ability to “drill down” to any level of the organization to see where performance challenges exist
  • Enables Management to work proactively to resolve challenges early that otherwise would impact the ability to achieve objectives.

Opportunity Assessment

  • Enable early and accurate assessment of opportunities
  • Identify  gaps and problems 
  • Enable better resource management.

Pipeline Balance & Management

  • Managers need only input key pipeline parameters (usually only annually), and SMS does the rest
  • Calculates a pipeline balance algorithm that helps Sellers not only achieve monthly, quarterly, and annual revenue objectives, but helps them go into new periods with fully balanced pipelines
  • Calculates ideal pipeline by stage, determines gaps, and provides color-coded pipeline by stage so that gaps can quickly be rectified.

Seller Skill Development

  • Provides a complete seller skill development system.
  • Helps Managers quickly grade sellers in 9 key skills based on performance criteria
  • Provides Managers with surgical skill development plan based on the particular needs of a Sales Person.

Adventace Sales Management System Will Empower and Improve Your Entire Sales Organization!



Sales Executives

Using key performance metrics, SMS helps Sales Executives accurately predict future performance at any level of the sales operation to help them take proactive actions today to ensure that objectives are met in the future.

Sales Managers

SMS enables Sales Managers to help their sellers achieve continuous pipeline balance, perform early and effective opportunity assessment, and identify and help their sellers quickly fix skill deficiencies in any of nine skills.

Sales People

For Sales People, SMS turns Salesforce into a competitive differentiator because it helps them generate key buyer deliverables at the right time in the sell cycle. Sales People actually want to use Salesforce!

Take a Tour of the Adventace Sales Management System™

Adventace Sales Performance Platform

Enables Your Entire Sales Team!

Sales Executives

  • Drive entire operation top-down rapidly
  • Use predictive metrics to proactively resolve problems today that otherwise would impact tomorrow’s results
  • Turn Sales Managers into proactive coaches using surgical skill development system
  • Measurably improve performance of Sales Managers and Sales Professionals
  • Create effective proactive sales culture

Sales Managers

  • Rapidly become a proactive coach
  • Fix problems with opportunities very early
  • Achieve continuous pipeline balance for Sales Professionals and you
  • Use predictive metrics to proactively resolve Seller problems today that otherwise would impact tomorrow’s results
  • Measurably improve seller performance with proven skill development system

Sales People

  • Dramatic improvements in win rates & contract size while reducing sell cycle length
  • End-End Sales Enablement
  • Complete set of online training programs, from planning through execution
  • Proven processes whether selling point solutions or the most complex solutions
  • Effective opportunity management
  • Generate custom buyer deliverables

Client Success Metrics

Minutes for Manager to Get Complete & Accurate View of Region


Improvement in Predictive Metrics

Consecutive Quarters of Achieving Objectives


Increase in New Opportunities