Adventace SMS™ Pipeline Analysis Help


Funnel Color Code


For All stages except B and NL:

  • 100% or greater = Green
  • 75%-99% = Yellow
  • <75% = Red

B stage: We try to minimize B pipeline and maximize A pipeline. Therefore for B stage:

  • 100% or less = Green
  • 101%-125% = Yellow
  • > 125% = Red

NL Stage:

  • 0=Green
  • 1=Yellow (could be anomaly)
  • >1=Red (could be a pattern and a problem)



#C Goal

$A Goal / $Average Deal Size = #A Goal

#A Goal X 5 = #C Goal

#B Goal Calculation Example:


A/B Ratio Goal = 0.25, and

#A Goal = $A Goal / Average Deal Size = $1,600,000 / $400,000 = 4.0

Then #B Goal:

Formula: A/B Ratio = #A Goal / #B Goal

Solving for #B = #A Goal / A/B Ratio Goal = 4/0.25 = 16

$A Goal Calculation

From figure calculated in Pipeline Balance Algorithm (and initially displayed in the Pipeline Balance Algorithm)


[$Wins/Month X $Average Deal] / Probability of A Becoming a Win



#NL: Goal is always 0 (zero)

$NW & W

[$Annual Target / 12] X Number of Elapsed Months