The purpose of this article is to help sales managers identify a potential metric or metrics to track to measure the performance improvement of a sales person for a particular skill.

The table below provides example metrics associated with key skills:

Skill   Metric
 1. Account Planning
  • Plan vs. Actual sales or profitability
  • Measurable progress on account position
  • Measurable progress on account relationship
  • Progress on client satisfaction rating
 2. Opportunity Identification  Opportunities identified in planning vs. those converted to A stage or greater
 3. Prospecting  Goal vs Actual NOCs per month
 4. Account Penetration  Goal vs Actual NOCs per month
 5. Solution Development  Conversions from C to (B + A)
 6. Qualification-Sales Call  A/B Ratio
 7. Sell Cycle Control  Assess quality of Action Plans
 8. Qualification-Sell Cycle  %Action Plans completed (Does seller disqualify earl or late?  Lose late?
 9. Negotiating and Closing  Conversions from NW to W